Are you ready to manifest + create your dream life as an Esthetician?!
- Are you ready to make $10k+ months, every month?
- Have a steady clientele, booked out with a waitlist?
- Add on a second stream of income, making online sales with drop shipping
- Learn how to offer virtual consultation & turn them into paying clients
- Do you want to have a step by step Esthetician Roadmap at your finger tips from legal documents, consent forms, to creating protocols, pricing, marketing and SO much more?
- Are you ready to feel CONFIDENT in your business plan, marketing strategies & have a thriving business as a solo esthetician?
If so the Esthetician Road Map is for you! Take a chance on yourself + your dreams!
You will gain:
Confidence in your business plan, bank account & savings. I will teach you how to break down monthly bills, taxes, savings etc
You will gain clarity in your work- we will go over protocols, skin care lines, equipment & a break down of the best wholesale vendors.
You will learn:
How to break down year, month, week, daily money goals and design your work week + clients with intention.
How to ship products with no inventory on hand, no over head with drop shipping.
How to sell more retail, educate your clients & have them rebooking every service.
Learn how to offer facial parties, pop up events & outside marketing + networking
You will be excited to:
Go solo as an esthetician and open your dream spa
Up your game in the treatment room + offer new treatments